The Girl With The Chair On Her Back

The storyteller

Like many long established storytellers, Paul has built up a rich repertoire of tales from the far edges of the world, including stories from the Pacific North West coastal tribal groups such as the Kwakiutl, Tlingit and Tsimshian, along with beautiful Siberian tribal myths, Russian and European wonder tales. His style is often referred to as unique, simply soothing and magical. “It is interesting why we choose certain stories,” he says. “Perhaps in them, there is something that we are seeking: droplets of almost unimaginable love, insightful thinking or simply age old wisdom.”

Paul never expected to be a storytellers. Always, creative he was for 47 years a professional artist and sculptor but always in his work, no matter the discipline, there were stories. In hindsight the root of the magic perhaps happened 55 years ago when an aunt, who was living as a missionary in Africa, started sending him the local folk tales of Tanzania. To reflect that cultural flavour, Paul now loves telling African dilemma stories and plays along side them his West African Kora that he’s been blessed with for the past 25 years.

Paul has worked extensively with adults, children and families, having performed in more than 2,300 schools and a myriad of other locations and organisations including Greenpeace, the RSPB and English Heritage, local authorities and museum services in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex. The big events he has performed include Latitude and Glastonbury as well as literary festivals across the UK. In late 2018 Paul took a professional storytelling tour across China, visiting six cities, travelling 5000 miles and telling to over 2,000 children.

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